> System of communication products

About the project

RENARE is an accounting system where companies can register their projects, measurement baselines, and progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It enables the national government of Colombia to monitor and coordinate efforts to tackle climate change.

However, obtaining reliable information on RENARE required users to navigate a platform that, due to its technical complexity, was not very intuitive. To address this issue, we developed a communication system to approach the information from different perspectives and differential scopes.

In late 2021 and early 2022, we collaborated with GIZ, IDEAM, and the Environment Ministry of Colombia to create several communication pieces. These helped project and program holders in easily registering their emissions reduction projects on the platform, certifying them, and gaining access to various tax and economic benefits for their organizations and projects.

Technical information

Client: GIZ, IDEAM y MinAmbiente

Year: 2021-2022

Delivered products: 18 infographics, 8 bulletins, 1 book, 2 presentations, consultancy for web design, 5 videos.